Sunday, May 17, 2009


Dear Swine Flu Alarmists,

You can come out now. The coast is clear. Well, for us it is, anyway. I mean, it actually always has been clear for us. But for you? No, the coast is not clear. You wanna know why? Because you now have to sort through your own INSANITY as you climb out of your sealed bunker from behind a wall of canned goods and batteries. Yes George, I'm looking at you. You have to come to grips with the reality that there was no apocalypse, and you really just ended up looking like an idiot. You know how when there's a loud noise and there's the one guy in the room who looks like a total nancy when he jumped out of his seat and screeched? You're that guy.

Don't worry though. While you were hiding out in your basements in your hazmat suits, we were out here piling up the millions thousands hundreds tens ones of bodies, and all the hard work is now done. The good news, now that this is all sorted out, is that at least you can now put your heads together and start concocting the Great Plague of 2012. I'll warm the popcorn.

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